I remember when my contacts needed readers. See, I started wearing contact lenses when I was 25 years old.  From then until my late 40’s my vision didn’t change. I would visit my optometrist annually and my prescription remained the same for 20+ years. Until…

    I must have been approaching 48 when my eye doctor said my RX required a change.  It needed to be a little stronger.  And again, when I was 49 and 50.  And then it happened…my contacts worked fine for seeing regularly but reading was challenging. He then told me to purchase “readers”.  Now this is too much! I started with 1.0 readers and advanced to 1.50 over the course of a two year period. Fortunately, my overall vision remained the same but the readers were getting stronger and stronger.  What was really going on? OH! MENOPAUSE! My optometrist said this is normal for women going through “the change”.  Now my eyes! What’s next?

    I remember being in elementary school and children were being teased for wearing glasses. They were called “Four Eyes”!  Kids can be so cruel. (I never participated in the teasing because I was being teased about other things.)  Now here I am 50 and I need six eyes to see…my natural eyes, my contacts and now readers.  This was crazy!  I also learned that this was pretty normal. However, I wasn’t ready for this new normal so I hung in there for a while.

    One day I was sitting on the sofa texting and my daughter said, “Mom, why can I see your text from over here?”  😮 She was at least 6-8 feet from me.  I had increased my font size to accommodate my vision, or lack of and it was huge!  LOL  I didn’t realize how big it was until she mentioned it. As I had dinner with a couple of girlfriends recently, it happened…deja vu.  I could clearly see their phones from across the table.  Even with their large fonts, they were squinting and pulling out their readers/glasses to see.  I was experiencing the exact thing my daughter had experienced four years prior. I laughed until I cried. We all laughed when I received this text from one of them! This is a pic of her phone because my phone’s font size is back to normal factory settings.  😉

    See, I decided to get LASIK after my daughter called me out.  And I love it! It’s been three years now and one of the best investments in myself ever.  Now it is time for an enhancement because things are beginning to get a little blurred every now and then but that’s okay.   I’ve been told that as long as I’m in “the change” of life, my vision will continue to change.  This is why I purchased the lifetime plan so I can go back as often as needed for almost free. I don’t know if you’re like me but I can’t think clearly or hear well, if I can’t see good.

    How many of you have increased your font size to accommodate your squinting or not having your readers accessible libido-de.com/?  I laugh at the silly things I’ve done to accommodate for my failing vision. I purchased readers in every color and enough to have a pair everywhere. I had them in my car, purse, desk, kitchen drawer, nightstand, the family room, and any other place I would be. I couldn’t afford to be without my 3rd pair of eyes. I’ve also taken pictures of restaurant receipts so I could maximize the screen to determine the tip amount. On one Girls Trip to Vegas, none of us could read the receipt. 🙂 I would love to say that the ink was fading but in all honesty our eyesight was what was really fading.  LOL

    Can you recall instances in which you were squinting, had to pull out your readers or questioned why your visual prescription kept changing? If you’re in “the change” of life then it’s probably Menopause!  As I attempt to Age Gracefully, I’ve found that this experience is very real, occasionally comical and ever-changing.  When does it end?


    Gracefully Embracing the Grey (and all that comes with it)

    Seasoned, Unique and Still Beautiful